I am 35 1/2 wks today and I had my ob appt. Everything is still going well - still no dilation. I have been having some cramps everyday since this past Friday night. It is usually one or two a day. The dr told us today that if I happen to go into labor that they will not prolong my labor. That is exciting news to hear. Hudson is head down - thank goodness. I also had my strep b test done today and I should hear back next wk at my appt.
Also, we called yesterday to get an update on the chair and ottoman. Apparently it has been shipped but shipped from Canada... good grief. So, hopefully we will have the last bit of the furniture by next week. Last night we purchased the car seat... I am so glad to have that now even though it is still in the box. This is something that I have been stressing over for so long... Now I know that part is taken care of.
If anything changes I will be sure to post it. Take care...