Hudson is 10 mos old today... I can not believe his 1st birthday is just 2 short mos away!! It is so bitter sweet. Matt & I had waited so long to be parents and now time just seems to go by so fast...too fast!
We received a graduation announcement this week from our former neighbors. I began to think about R & T and how they are probably reminiscing about their son's earlier years. I want to soak in every moment with Hudson b/c before we know it, we will be sending out his graduation announcements. I know it is a long time from now but it will be here before we know it, just like his 1st birthday.
The past couple of days I have started running ideas through my mind regarding his party. I better get started soon on some of these ideas...but it sure is fun planning his party!
Last week we were on our very first family vacation. We went to Amelia Island and it was wonderful. Hudson saw the beach, ocean, turtle (which he called a kitty cat), palm trees for the first time along with many other things. It will be a vacation that I will always remember. Matt & I had spent many days on that beach talking about what it would be like to bring our child there...and we finally did it! A dream come true. Hudson was a real trooper. He slept great on the ride down, did wonderful at night and had a great time all together. We could not have asked for a better time.
Here is what he has been up to lately...
*At your last dr appt you weighed 22 lbs 12 oz and was 29 1/2 inches long. You are in the 75th percentile for your age.
*You went on your first trip to the beach and you LOVED it!! You had a blast crawling on the sand and splashing in the water. You also played in the swimming pool for the first time.
*You took your very first 2 steps at the beach. Of course we were not ready with a camera so we do not have proof. You caught us off guard for sure.
*You can now stand up by yourself with out holding on to anything.
*You now give affection to us and your stuffed animals.
*You will say Momma and Dad Da to the right person.
*You still eat great.
*You are such a little boy... You like to turn all of your toys over and try to dive head first over me & daddy or any toy or object that gets in your way.
*You are starting to dance now... it is too cute to see you shake it!
*You have 6 teeth now - 4 on top and 2 on the bottom. But I think you may be getting more on the bottom soon.
*You have had 6 hair cuts now... We had your hair cut shorter this last time since it is summer time.
*You still love to take a bath and splash the water everywhere.
*You are wearing 9-12 mos clothes and size 4 diapers.
This is all I can think of right now - I am sure there is more. Hudson, you are such a joy to me and your daddy! We could not be more proud to be your parents! We love you so very much baby boy!!! xoxoxo