Here is what he has been up to lately:
*You have your 9 month well baby check up on Friday. We will find out how much you weigh and your length then. Should be interesting to see how much you weigh now... You are breaking my arm... :)
* You love to stand up by yourself now. You would rather stand up than crawl. I don't think it will be much longer before you try to walk.
*You are such a good boy when we go out to eat. You enjoy watching people - just like your mommy.
*You love playing with your Daddy. But, when it is bed time you want Mommy.
*You have had 5 hair cuts now.
*You love your bath time and to splish-splash in the water. You do not mind getting water in your face and eyes. The more the better.
*You love to say Daddy and Kitty Cat. You whisper when you say Kitty Cat and it is so cute.
*You have your two bottom teeth and you are working on your top 4.
*You have been doing great with sleeping at night. But when your teeth bother you, you will wake up at least 2 times during the night.
*You are a great eater. When you see your bottle or food, you start to smack your lips.
*You can clap and raise your hands above your head.
*When we are playing with one of your toys, you will crawl across the room and try so hard to get it from us. Once you have it, you will play with it for a second and then put it down.
*You are a busy body. You will only play with one thing for a short time before moving on to something else.
*You will be going to the beach for the first time in a few weeks.
*You sat in a swing for the first time last week and really enjoyed it.
*You have a sleeping and eating schedule down now. And, it helps me out a lot.
*You are such a wonderful baby and Mommy & Daddy love you so much!!!!