Hudson has been a true joy in our life this past year. I never thought I would be a Mom and now I can not believe I am about to be a Mom to a one year old. He grows and learns new things almost daily. He keeps us busy and laughing all the time. He truly has his Daddy's personality. He is quiet and laid back but he knows how to make you laugh with just the little things he does.
Here is what he has been up to this past month:
*You are trying to walk but I think Mommy & Daddy need to work harder with you.
*You are wearing 12 mos size clothes
*You still are not sleeping through the night... You will wake every 3-4 hours. Most of the time we can just rock you back to sleep but other nights you may end up in the bed with us.
*You are a great eater which is no surprise... :)
*You can throw a ball really well
*You love to make a mess
*You crawl all over the house
*You love it when the kitty cats are within eye site
*Grammy came and stayed with you the other night so Mommy & Daddy could go on a date. You did so well for her... You did not even cry once and you went to bed with ease that night. I don't think you even woke up at all until the next morning. I think we need Grammy to put you to bed every night.
*You try to "talk" all the time
*You have just started to see how loud you can get
Here are some updated pics of our little Hudman...