First let me start off with the prayer request. I am not sure of how much information I need to share right now but our friends Kim & BC really need our prayers. They have found out some devastating news regarding their 5 month old daughter Ansley. So, if you could, please add them to your prayer list. God knows their circumstances and he can heal her. Thank you for taking time to take them before God...we know that he can take care of their needs and heal this precious little girl...
Ok...onto the update. I had my first appointment with my new OBGYN on Monday. I had a full exam and we talked about my health history along with my last pregnancy. I think I will really like this practice. The doctor is an older, southern gentleman that is straight to the point. He said that everything was fine with me and that he does not seem to think that I would be high risk. We did hear the baby's heartbeat and it was perfect as well. I will have my next ultrasound in about 6 wks. This will be the in depth ultrasound that will measure all of the vital organs. At that time we should be able to find out whether we are having a boy or girl. I don't mind what we have as long as this child is healthy.
Now for showing... Yes, I am finally showing. My pants that I wore to work last week will no longer button - YEAH!! It is starting to seem real now... I catch myself looking at my side profile every time I pass a mirror - I know that sounds funny. I am hoping I can get Matt to take a pic of me pretty soon and then I will post it so everybody can see my pregnant belly... :)
Well, that is all for now. I will have a very interesting and fun post for this weekend. Matt is doing something so fun and exciting on Saturday morning for his birthday - I can not wait to share it with you.
Take care and until next time...