We have had such a fun - long - but fun day. Wednesday will be Matt's birthday and he ALWAYS spoils me on my b-day, Christmas & Anniversary. I have never been able to figure out what to do for him on his birthday. SO, I bought him a R*chard P*tty Driving Exper*ence. He had a BLAST!!!! His top speed out of 18 laps was 147 mph!!! Yes, you heard me right - 147 mph!!! I enjoyed so much being able to watch him drive that race car all by himself. He had a pace car to follow and if they thought he was not going fast enough the pace car would flash a green light telling him to HURRY UP. But if he was getting too close they would flash a yellow light. My brother in law and I took plenty of pics along with my father in law and I will post them once I download them. Matt was so excited once he was finished with his 18 laps and just kept telling me thank you... I was so worried that he would not like it or enjoy it but oh, I was SO WRONG!!! It made my day to see him have so much fun!!! He is such a wonderful husband and he deserved having such a fun day...Now what do I do next year to top that?!? yikes...
We had planned to have our Valentine's dinner tonight but we both were SO tired from being gone all day, so we will celebrate tomorrow night.
I hope everyone has a nice V-Day with the one they love. I sure know I have!!! :)
Take care...Oh - I am 15 weeks today... :)
I am waiting to see the belly! Hee hee!!!