Nothing new has happened this week. My meds and drinking a lot of water seems to be helping my braxton hicks a lot. I finally called and checked on the chair and ottoman and it should be out of production next week. So hopefully we will have it by the following week.
It is hard to believe that we have less than 6 wks before Hudson arrives. It still seems so surreal. I know my stomach is growing and we see him on the ultrasounds but it is hard to believe that we will finally be parents. This is something that we have wanted for so very long and now the time has come. God has truly blessed us!!!
Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we come to the end of the wonderful road to our Miracle!!
I am 33 wks today. Can you believe I only have 7 wks or less before we meet our little man?? I can hardly believe it. This pregnancy has been such a blessing but it also has gone by so fast.
This past Monday we had a little scare. You know that I have been having the braxton hicks contractions for a while now and have been on meds to stop them. Well Monday I decided to wash all of Hudson's clothes and I guess I did way too much. My contractions started coming a lot closer together - lets say 6-8 mins apart. I called the on call dr and she said to take another pill and if nothing changes in 2 hours go up to the hospital. So, at 10:40 pm we were heading up to the hospital. Once there they hooked me up to the monitors and eventually started an IV. I stayed over night and they checked me - no dilation and the contractions had slowed down so they let me go.
I have been drinking tons of water and staying off of my feet. All of that seems to help. I am ready to see my baby but not right now - it is too soon. So, if I can make it to 36 wks I will be one happy Momma!!
Other than that we have been living a very quiet life... I hope everyone enjoys their weekend celebrating all of the Dad's in their life. I know God has blessed me with a wonderful Dad and a wonderful Husband that will be a GREAT Dad - soon... :)
I know I have been promising pics of the nursery forever - so here they are... Of course we are still without the chair and ottoman. Matt worked so hard on the stripes - he did a wonderful job...
**Apparently Duke thinks the room is so comfy b/c everytime we are in there he has to come and lay on the rug...almost falling asleep...**
I think yesterday was the best Saturday I have had since my wedding day. I had my very first Baby Shower!!! I never ever thought that I would see this day. I knew that we would have a shower for when we adopt but NEVER for a biological child. God has truly blessed us with wonderful family and friends.
We had the shower at our house and we had a house full. My former co-workers came and almost all of my family members. The day went by way too fast but I truly enjoyed every minute of it. Hudson racked up on the clothes - and I was worried that he would not have enough clothes. We received the bouncy seat and his bath tub as well. I have one more shower next month that my sister-in-laws are giving.
As I had said before, in the previous post, Matt has been such a wonderful husband. He got up early yesterday morning, drove about an hour and a half to go pick up my Grandmother so that she could be at the shower. That meant so much to me. He helped set up the chairs and tables. Then once the shower was over he helped my Mom, Aunt & Grandmother clean up. He was vacuuming, putting things away, taking out the trash, putting away dishes, etc. God has truly blessed me with a Husband that is so loving, caring, a wonderful helper, a great friend - I could go on and on. Last night, I layed in bed and thanked God for giving him to me. He will be such a wonderful Dad. I just can not wait to see him in action.
Yesterday was the best day in such a LONG time for us!! We really needed that yesterday. So now, on to some pics... I still need to upload the nursery pics.
**Oh, I have my last perinatal appt this Wednesday!!
I need to brag on my husband... Yes, you heard me right. In my previous post I mentioned about the scare I had with some mild contractions.
After my doctor's appt on Thursday we were walking out the door and Matt told me "you are done cooking and doing dishes - no more". I felt bad because he already has someone coming to the house every other week to have the house cleaned. He has been great through out the pregnancy so far but this to me just put the cherry on the top. Yesterday he finished trimming all of the bushes around the house, went to the grocery store, cooked dinner and then did the dishes. Tonight he plans on coming home after work to cut grass, cook and then do the dishes. I feel so bad that he is doing this but I understand that it is for a good reason.
I am not the type of person to have someone do things for me. I am a very independent type of person. I do not like for people to make a fuss over me. When I am sick and do not feel well, I would rather be left alone and take care of myself. So, it is very hard to sit here on the couch, watch tv and be on the computer while Matt is doing everything. I know it will not last very long...
I just wanted to take a minute to brag on him. He is such a great husband and friend - I just know that he will be a WONDERFUL Dad... he will be so hands-on... I can not wait to see him with our little man.
Thanks Matt for all that you have done. You are the GREATEST! I could not have asked for more in a husband!!! I LOVE YOU!!
This week I had my visit with both the Ob and Perinatologist. Everything went well but as the tech was updating my ultrasound I had a mild contraction. That was on Wednesday - the doctor was told about it and he was not concerned since my cervix was still closed and long. Then Thursday morning I woke up with having about 4 mild contractions w/in 20 mins. So, off to the doctor we went. The doctor checked me and again my cervix was fine... he decided to hook me up to the monitor for about 20 mins and I did have a contraction but again it was mild. So, now I am on some meds to keep the contractions at bay. I am still having some but they are few and far between and not as strong as they were. Thank goodness.
When the tech was doing the ultrasound we found out that Hudson weighs an estimated 3 lbs and 10 oz already. Apparently he is going to be a big boy (according to my RN friend Kim...) and he has a head full of hair. The tech showed us his hair floating in the amniotic fluid... We got the most precious pic of his lips and his nose - I think this may be one of my favorite pics so far... oh, she also caught him yawning - his mouth opened so big and wide - it was too precious!!
Well, I am off to take my medicine and eat some breakfast. I hope that everyone has a great week. Next week's update will include pics from my shower... I can't wait.
First, I am a child of an Amazing God. I am a Wife to my wonderful husband and a stay at home Mom to our fantastic son. We have had our hard times but we are truly blessed!!