This week I had my visit with both the Ob and Perinatologist. Everything went well but as the tech was updating my ultrasound I had a mild contraction. That was on Wednesday - the doctor was told about it and he was not concerned since my cervix was still closed and long. Then Thursday morning I woke up with having about 4 mild contractions w/in 20 mins. So, off to the doctor we went. The doctor checked me and again my cervix was fine... he decided to hook me up to the monitor for about 20 mins and I did have a contraction but again it was mild. So, now I am on some meds to keep the contractions at bay. I am still having some but they are few and far between and not as strong as they were. Thank goodness.
When the tech was doing the ultrasound we found out that Hudson weighs an estimated 3 lbs and 10 oz already. Apparently he is going to be a big boy (according to my RN friend Kim...) and he has a head full of hair. The tech showed us his hair floating in the amniotic fluid... We got the most precious pic of his lips and his nose - I think this may be one of my favorite pics so far... oh, she also caught him yawning - his mouth opened so big and wide - it was too precious!!
Well, I am off to take my medicine and eat some breakfast. I hope that everyone has a great week. Next week's update will include pics from my shower... I can't wait.
Take care everyone...
Can't wait for the shower!!! Yay!! Hudson is going to be such a big, strong boy....which is okay, Ansley needs a strong hubby! Miss you and look forward to seeing you soon!
ReplyDeleteAwww, what a great update! Can't wait to see shower pics!