Wow! How could it be that my last blog post was in April?? I guess I just have not been interested in updating the blog for a while... it is just easier to update on FB...
Well, lets see... where to start. Hudson turned 2 yrs old on July 25th. We had a wonderful party with the Toy St*ry theme. That was his big interest at the time so we went with it. We decided this year not to go all out like last year. So, we had a gathering at our house with family and a few friends.
At the beginning of August, Hudson started Parents Morning Out at our church. I was a little hesitant at first because I did not know how he would do with it, but I am so glad that we stuck with it. He really enjoys playing with his friends and seeing his teachers. I am so glad to see that he does enjoy it...he really needs to be around other kids his age since his cousins are all older than he is. Plus, it gives me a few hours a week to get the house clean while he is at school. I also enjoy my time by myself even if it is just for a few hours.

Hudson is really becoming a toddler and is no longer a baby... At his 2 yr check up he weighed 36 lbs and was 36 1/2 inches tall. So, he is the size of an average 3 yr old!!! CRAZY! When people look at him they think he is close to 3 or is already 3... My baby is no longer a baby anymore and it saddens me! :( He is talking all the time and coming up with all sorts of funny things. In just the past few days when a stranger ask him his name he will pat his chest and say "my name is Hudson... see my Daddy and see my Mommy"... He is just too sweet trying to introduce us to everyone. When he is eating or drinking something that he likes he will say "good tasty"... He really wants our cat, Dweeb, to play with him... I guess he thinks that our cat will chase a ball like a dog. lol! I am trying to think of other cute things he says and does but it is really late and I am getting tired.
I will try to do better with updating the blog... I am not sure if anyone still follows the blog but if you do, Thank you! ;)