**Let me go ahead and warn you - there will be a good many pics in this post to bring you up to date...
I know... it has been a really long time since I last posted here. I had planned to take a break but I did not intend for it to be 7 mos.
Let's see... a lot has been going on around here. We celebrated Hudson's birthday back in July and we had a blast. He is running all over the place now and talking up a storm. We have registered him for pre-k for the fall. I am not sure if I am ready for that but I know he will really enjoy it.
Here is a little list of things Hudson has been up to lately:
*He is 19 mos old
*Wearing 24 mos & 2t size clothes and size 6 & 7 in shoes
*Running all over the house
*Loves to be outside (even if it is really cold out)
*He would watch Barn*ey all day long if we let him
*Really enjoying his class at church on Sunday mornings
*Talking up a storm - even if you can't understand him all of the time
*He can identify 39 out of 54 flash cards
*Loves music and dancing
*At 18 mos check up his weight was 31 lbs and length was 34 1/2 inches long. So, he is in 95th percentile in both weight and height.
He is all little boy now! The baby is gone! What a handsome little man. :D