Monday, December 29, 2008


During the past 2 weeks I have had some small spotting. It has only happened about 4 times but that is 4 times too many. Especially with our history we are a little concerned. I have called my doctor and he does not seemed worried at all. I had to go for lab work this morning to have my hormone levels checked. My next appt was scheduled for next Wednesday but I talked them into moving my appt to this Friday.

Please keep us and the baby in your prayers. I know that this child is a miracle from God so please pray for us...


  1. I sure will be praying for you all. Don't be shy about asking for your appointment to be moved up.

  2. You know that we are say prayer :D
    Ladybug hugs,

  3. You are going to be fine...I just know it!! Call me if you need me, you know I am always here for you!! Love you!
