Saturday, January 31, 2009


This pregnancy has kept me speechless. The reason I say this is because Matt & I never thought that we would be able to conceive with out medical help. Our wonderful doctor had always told us that there was never a reason why we could not conceive. Matt & I had just come to the conclusion that the only way we would grow our family was through adoption.

So, on December 1st when I had a positive pregnancy test we were in complete and utter shock. And that is putting it mildly. Everytime we go to our doctor and we see our precious miracle child on the ultrasound screen, I am completely speechless. I am in AWE at the miracle of life. I had told my friend Kim yesterday that this pregnancy keeps me speechless as my last pregnancy did not. It is hard to explain. I think because our first pregnancy we had medical help and this time we conceived naturally. God has truly blessed us with this miracle. It goes to show that we are not in control. Yes, God uses medical doctors to help us when help is needed. But this time it was all by the hand of God!!

Please continue to keep us in your prayers. My anxiety is not as bad as it was in the beginning.

Take care everyone...


  1. Such a miracle and I can't wait for play dates and shopping excurisons and Disney Cruises and Mountain Trips...the list is endless!! I am SOOOO happy for you that I almost feel like I'm pregnant all over again!! I can't wait until August!

  2. I LOVE the 3D pictures! It is so awesome to see the baby!
