Wednesday, July 15, 2009

~36 wks...

Today I had my 36 wk check up with the doctor. Everything went well... I still have not dilated but my cervix has shortened and I am about 20% effaced. I have a while still to go. I will probably end up going full term and having to be induced. But that would be ok with me. The longer he can stay in the better for him.

We FINALLY have the chair and ottoman in his room and it looks so good. I will take a few pics and post them when I get a chance. I have my last baby shower this weekend. My sister-in-laws are giving it for us and it is a drop in shower... I am looking forward to it - I know we will have a nice time.

I having nothing more to post - I will try and get the pics posted asap...

Take care...

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Where have I been?!?! I cannot believe it almost time for his arrival!
