Monday, August 31, 2009

~5 wks...

I know it has been a while since I updated the blog. This past Saturday Hudson turned 5 wks old. It is so hard to believe how fast time is going by. We are loving every minute of being parents. We would not trade this for anything on the face of the earth.

Hudson is getting into a routine with his eating and sleeping. He loves to be held and snuggle... I am so glad he is that way but I also know that he needs to get used to sleeping in his bed...which he does really well with. He loves his bath until it is time to wash all of that hair. He just moans when I pour the warm water over him... it is too sweet.

I will try to be better at posting updates but for now I will leave you with a couple of pics...

1 comment:

  1. I am still in awe of all his beautiful hair! He is precious!
