Sunday, May 3, 2009

~wk 26

I am now 26 weeks. This pregnancy seems to be going by so fast now that I am getting close to my 3rd trimester. Everything is going well and he has his days of moving like crazy. It is amazing to watch my stomach move as he kicks or hits. Pregnancy is just a miracle from God for sure.

Yesterday we finally cleaned the rest of the stuff out of the nursery. I vacuumed really well, dusted the base boards and wiped down the windows. Hopefully this week we can get the room painted and then have the furniture delivered. I will post pics once we have the room complete. I need to take a before pic of the room before we paint. Also, his bedding was delivered the other week. This is getting very exciting...

Well, that is it for now. I hope you all have a nice weekend. Take care...

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